Upon receipt of a written or verbal complaint via any mean, it shall be recorded on Form FMP05/01 Complaints/Appeals record and a file opened by QMR/DMR. Any correspondence connected with the complaint shall be attached to this file. Complaints received will be analysed to determine the nature of the complaint and decide:
- Does the complaint relate to TIITS Pakistan activities? If yes proceed to deal with the complaint.
- Does the complaint relate to TIITS Pakistan certified client? If so an internal investigation will take place to determine the effectiveness of the TIITS Pakistan certification process and what actions to take. The certified client will be informed of the complaint at an appropriate time for their
All verbal complaints will be requested in writing / email with any supporting documentation if necessary to the TIITS Pakistan. All complaints will be acknowledged within 48 hours by email to the complainant by QMR/DMR. Prior to a complaints panel being formulated TIITS shall endeavor to obtain all necessary information (copy of reports, Team Leader responses in writing etc) to ensure the complaint can be sufficiently validated.
The complaints panel will be nominated by CEO, TIITS Pakistan, consisting of 2 to 3 persons as required through email, they will jointly review the complaint and decide on the appropriate remedial action and the person(s) responsible for that action, which shall be recorded on Form FMP05/01.
When the remedial action has been satisfactorily completed the QMR shall sign the close out on Form FMP05/01.
The complainant shall be informed in writing of the outcome or the ongoing situation within one month of receipt of the complaint by QMR via email.
Generally all complaints shall be satisfactorily closed-out within two months of receipt of the original complaint being received.
In addition to the above, an unscheduled audit may be carried out if the complaint concerns a Supplier or Contractor.
At meetings of Impartiality Committee QMR will present his report and a full and frank discussion will take place regarding all complaints / appeals received and again recommend any necessary corrective & preventive actions if required by the committee.
QMR will forward on to all concerned improvement instructions via briefing notes or revised / new operating procedures subsequent to the outcome of impartiality committee meeting or at any other time he feels it is necessary.
Submission, investigation and decision on complaints shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant by not putting the same person for handling complaints who is guilty by the complainant.
1.1 Complaints against TIITS Certified Clients
Complaints regarding registered clients may be received by TIITS Pakistan from the public i.e. customers of a TIITS Pakistan registered client or from other sources, TIITS Pakistan shall register the complaint in the complaints/ appeals register Form FMP05/01 and acknowledge receipt of the complaint and advise the registered client of the complaint, the QMR will decide if an unannounced audit is necessary or not.
If so a competent auditor(s) shall be sent to the registered client’s premises and after advising the client of the reason and an audit on the scope of the complaint shall be conducted, recorded and reported to the QMR for investigation, review and appropriate actions.
If not the registered client will be asked to provide sufficient evidence to TIITS to enable investigation, review and appropriate actions to be taken. The complainant and registered client shall be advised of the decision and actions to be taken, and on completion of the actions by QMR.
During any audits the audit team shall review the TIITS Pakistan Registered organisation/sites complaints register for compliance to requirements as;
- Complaints represent a source of information as to possible non-conformity. On receipt of a complaint the organisation should establish and where appropriate report on the root cause of the non-conformity, including any predetermining (or predisposing) factors within the management system.
- Such investigation enables the planning of corrective action, which should include measures for;
- notification of clients, public or appropriate authorities if required by regulation;
- Restoring conformity as quickly as practicable;
- Preventing recurrence;
- Evaluating and mitigating any adverse environmental effects;
- Assessing the effectiveness of the above
The implementation of the corrective action should not be deemed to have been completed until the effectiveness of all the above has been demonstrated and verified and the necessary changes made in the procedures, documentation and records.
- Auditors should check that, where any such non-conformity or failure to meet the requirement is revealed, the organisation has conducted a root cause analysis of its own management system and taken appropriate corrective/preventive action and the complainant advised of the outcome by persons not previously involved in the
Any non-compliance shall incur a CAR.